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  4. How do we register as a foreign company without eID/BankID?

How do we register as a foreign company without eID/BankID? - Bestallid06.se

The company owner needs to send an e-mail to manuellkontroll@id06.se with following information to ID06 AB.

Company Identification number:
VAT number:
Company name:
Company address:
Owners name and surname:
Owners e-mail: 

And a registration certificate of the company. 

ID06 AB will then send an e-mail with the confirmation that the company is now available for registration. 

  1. The owner of the company needs to visit Areff or a scanning partner physically to manually identify themselves with the help of a passport or national ID.Areff only offers appointment for scanning passport or ID. Book your appointment here!

    Or click here to see your nearest scanning partner.

    Note! All Passports or National IDs are not compatible for scanning. Please click here to see for who these are!

    If your passport or national ID is not available, you need to acquire one. 

  2. After the identification is made, a corporate account is created in the ID06 system. Then you need log in to the website bestallid06.se to connect your ID06 account to Areff as a card supplier and you can start the order of ID06 card.
  3. When the company has ordered a card, the cardholder receives an e-mail with information that there is an order on the individual. The cardholder can then create a user-account with e-ID via the e-mail or visit the nearest scanning partner to scan passport or national ID for identification to create a user-account.
  4. The cardholder logs in to his account and sees the ID06 card as well as the personal details and accepts the order.
  5. The card is now printed and sent to the delivery address the company has decided. When the cardholder receives card, it must be activated via the cardholder’s ID06 account. Cardholder can also receive the PIN conde for the card from the ID06 account. 

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